1. Educate and Educate Employees: Make sure all employees are aware of the company's sexual harassment policy and have received training on how to recognize and respond to it.
2. Promote a respectful work environment: make sure all employees feel valued and supported at work.
3. Create and enforce clear policies: Create and enforce clear rules that describe unacceptable behavior and consequences for violations.
4. Act quickly on reports: Take all allegations of sexual harassment seriously and act quickly and appropriately.
5. Create a safe environment: Create a safe, confidential environment where employees can report and discuss sexual harassment.
6. Take appropriate action: Take appropriate and immediate action against any employee who engages in sexual harassment.
7. Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly monitor and evaluate the work environment to ensure that it is not disruptive.
How do we help employers?
Sexual harassment in the workplace can harm your business in many ways, including your organization and reputation, employee productivity, and motivation and morale.
We believe that "prevention is better than cure" as a legal consulting firm. We offer the following services:
Training for your staff
Training for the internal committee
Drafting of a sexual harassment policy
External member of the internal committee.